• Pedagogies
  • Is a fluctuating, shifting compromise between dialogue and space. In order to better understand what these terms mean, can you quantify education? Is it the result of a calculated algorithm? One which constitutes that amalgamation of time, space, and shared resources?\nYou + Time + Space + Resources (shared) = Education

    1. https://www.e-flux.com/journal/43/60205/art-without-market-art-without-education-political-economy-of-art/

    2. This was written 7 years ago but feels relevant still: https://www.e-flux.com/journal/43/60205/art-without-market-art-without-education-political-economy-of-art/

    3. https://www.londoninterdisciplinaryschool.org/?gclid=CjwKCAjw5p_8BRBUEiwAPpJO64MzjlTspmIw1IigDSk_fqwnYyj77S3Rh9K7OxSkIBq-NW3WClp2ExoC6xQQAvD_BwE

    4. has joined the channel
    5. has joined the channel
    6. https://www.artforum.com/print/200805/learning-curve-radical-art-and-education-in-germany-19963

    7. .

    8. has joined the channel